Alexey Gunya, Dr.

Received his degree in Geography at Moscow Lomonossov State University. His main field of research is development and conflict in mountain regions. He is the author of more than 60 publications. During the last 15 years he carried out field investigations in Central Asia (in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan), in the Caucasus and in the Altai region.
He participated in projects of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. At present he is taking part in the elaboration of development strategies in North-Caucasian republics of Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachai-Cherkessia and Adygeia. He is affiliated with the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Science, with the University of Peoples’ Friendship (Moscow). Currently, he is a senior researcher at Free U Berlin.

Marc Theuss

Received her Master’s of Russian Studies from the European University at St.Petersburg. She is a PhD-candidate at Free University Berlin. Currently she works on the impact of local institutions on the process of stabilization in Tajikistan. Since 09/2003 she has been doing fieldwork in Tajikistan.

She has worked as a researcher for the German Organization for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in Tajikistan, contributing to an analysis of peace and conflict potential in Tajikistan”. Gunda has two years experience of working in the former Soviet Union, in Russia and Central Asia. She is fluent in English and Russian and has a good knowledge of French and Tajik (Dari). She has published a couple of articles: “Country Report Tajikistan” in the Near and Middle East Economy Handbook 2004-2006; documentation on “The Relations Between the EU and the Central Asian States” for the German Institute for International Politics and Security (SWP); an article “Explaining the Tajik Civil War” in the Polish journal `Sprawy Narodwosciowe“; forthcoming is an article on “Women and Social Change in Tajikistan” .

Azamat Temirkulov

Received his degree from Université Libre de Bruxelles in Political Science. Currently he works on the role of traditional social structure in the state building and development processes of Kyrgyz Republic. He has been working for ARC in the Kyrgyz part of the GTZ “Promoting Food Security, Regional Co-operation and Stability” Programme, and contributed to the analysis of peace and conflict potential in Kyrgyz part of Ferghana valley.
He also worked as a freelance researcher for European Council of Agrarian Law, and as a project assistant for MNT consulting. Azamat has experience of extensive fieldwork in Central Asia, especially the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ferghana valley. His specialization is mainly focused on conflict and development processes. He is a native speaker of Kyrgyz and Russian, fluent in French and English.



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