"Conflict processing and the Opium
Poppy Economy in Afghanistan, November 2004 to March 2005".

Afghan National Development Strategy (ANDS) Working Group, Kabul, Afghanistan: Assistance to the Interim ANDS process and identification of future demand for German input to the future full ANDS 2005/06

“In this report we investigate the nexus between the Opium Poppy Economy (OPE) and conflict dynamics in Afghanistan from three main perspectives: (1) the impact of the OPE on conflict processing at the community level; (2) counter-narcotics measures; and (3) state-formation and anti-state dynamics. We concentrate on how OPE-related dynamics affect the scope of choice of actors at the bottom of the value adding chain. We look at the issue of dependency and insecurity from three angles: economic constraints, political constraints and socio-cultural constraints. We then ask how these constraints impact on the conflict processing capacities of households within communities, between communities and between communities and the emerging state on the district and provincial levels. “

1-Full Report
2- PR Version

„Peace and conflict potentials in the target region of the GTZ Central Asia and Northern Afghanistan programme to foster food scurity, regional cooperation and stability”

1 - Integrated report.
This report integrates the results of three individual empirical research projects conducted in the GTZ “Promoting Food Security, Regional Cooperation and Stability” Programme target areas in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and places them into the regional context of the GTZ strategy.

The introduction to the research context and the explanation of the methodology used make up the first part of the report. The introduction explains the context of the research within the development strategy of the German government to target food security and conflict transformation as core aims in an integrated strategy. The report then moves on to introduce the core concepts used in the research and explains the methodology used for the empirical research and the analytical tools applied.
The second part of this study analyses the main clusters of conflict identified (conflict arenas) in cross-regional perspective. First, the conflict arenas are identified and analysed for the target regions. Then, available and appropriate measures to counter the specific conflicts are discussed.

The report concludes with recommendations for the integrated strategic planning of development activities in the Programme's target region.

2- Executive Summery of the field report on peace and conflict potential in Afghan Badakhshan province.

3- Executive Summery of the field report on peace and conflict potential in Rasht Valley, Shurabad District and GBAO, Tajikistan province.

4- Executive Summery of the field report on peace and conflict potential in Batken province, Kyrgyzstan.

Full reports are made available by e-mail upon request.

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